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Vialli leaves the national team, official decision: ‘I’ll be back soon’

by Lea

Vialli leaves the national team: official announcement from the head coach who has decided to take treatment. His words and those of president Gravina

Gianluca Vialli, for the moment, has decided to say goodbye to the Italian national football team. The Azzurri head of delegation, through a note on the FIGC website, made the official announcement. As we all know, the former Sampdoria and Juventus striker is battling a nasty illness.

“At the end of a long and difficult ‘negotiation’ with my wonderful team of oncologists I have decided to suspend, I hope temporarily, my present and future professional commitments. These are Vialli’s words, which are also accompanied by those of the president of the federation.

Vialli leaves the national team, his words

He will not be present in the next commitments of Roberto Mancini’s national team scheduled for 2023 and that will have to lead the Azzurri to qualify for the European Championship in 2024, a title to be defended. “The goal – Vialli said again – is to use all the psycho-physical energies to help my body overcome this phase of the illness, so that I will be able to face new adventures as soon as possible and share them with all of you. A big hug”.

Vialli with federal president Gravina

Vialli with federal president Gravina

In the same communiqué of the FIGC, of course, there are also the words of the highest exponent of Italian football, Gabriele Gravina: “Gianluca is an absolute protagonist of the Italian national team and will be in the future. Thanks to his extraordinary strength of spirit, the Azzurro and the affection of the entire federal family, I am convinced he will return soon. He can count on each and every one of us, because we are a team, on and off the field’. On behalf of the entire editorial staff of IlVeggente.it we send Vialli our best wishes. With the hope that he can come out of this very delicate moment as soon as possible.

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