TVPLAY | Juventus earthquake, there is the Calciopoli nightmare for Juventus fans. “They try to trample on it”. The verdict comes live
Last night’s news, namely the resignation of Juventus president Andrea Agnelli, followed by the entire board of the Bianconeri company, was an earthquake for Italian football. The investigations of the Prisma enquiry, which started in 2021, eventually led to what is the end of a real era. Exor, the holding company that runs Juve however, has already identified Agnelli’s successor: his name is Gianluca Ferrero and he is an accountant and auditor. There has also been the official announcement.
Normal, however, that since last night the comments have been pouring in and everyone has been trying to understand what could happen. Also trying to paint a picture was journalist Marco Venditti, who spoke during the live Twitch broadcast of on TVPLAY. Here are his thoughts.
TVPLAY | Juventus Earthquake, Venditti’s words
Elkann and Agnelli
“The president has decided of his own free will to retire him and his entourage,” he underlined, “but the only thing that is certain, at the moment, while everyone will try to trample on Juventus but it is part of the game, is that it will be the Elkanns who will continue to run the company as per Gianni Agnelli’s will. There will be no cession to others’. A first ruling has arrived and this can only be good for the fans of the Old Lady.
Then, Venditti explained the differences with Calciopoli, with that 2006 which is not even too far back in time: ‘These are separate facts from what happened. I only hope that this story does not end up involving the whole of Italian football,’ he explained. Finally, the closing words: ‘Juventus will not be absorbed by any other club.