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Suspicious betting, football in the crosshairs: 50 events in 3 months

by Sabrina

Suspicious betting, football in the crosshairs: here is the report for the second quarter of 2023. A total of 50 suspicious events

The International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) integrity report for the second quarter (Q2) of 2023 recorded 50 incidents of suspicious betting activity reported to the relevant authorities. One reads this on the website Agimeg.it, the agency for gaming in Italy.

Compared to the first three months of this year, the total tally is slightly up, in fact we are talking about 4% more, since in the first part of this year 48 were reported. But an important fact, which must obviously be taken into consideration, is the resounding decrease compared to the same period in 2022, when as many as 90 reports were received. So the drop in percentage terms is 44%. But in detail, which events have been reported? Well, let’s look at them together.

Suspicious betting, football the most affected

The report states that “football had the most alerts with 19, an increase of 27% from the 15 alerts reported in Q1, but a decrease of 41% from the 32 alerts reported in Q2 2022″.

Suspicious betting

Suspicious betting

“The 12 tennis alerts reported in the second quarter of 2023 represent a decrease of almost 60% from the revised figure of 29 alerts for the second quarter of 2022. The UK had the highest number of Q2 alerts, with nine alerts covering four sports (five for darts, two for football and one each for bowls and boxing)’. In short, almost everyone is affected by anomalous betting flows, which the various betting agencies immediately point out to the competent bodies. ‘Of the 50 reports in the second quarter of 2023, two concern women’s events, 47 men’s events and one mixed gender event. The 50 suspicious betting incidents in Q2 covered eight sports, in 18 countries and four continents’. Yes, there is, unfortunately, something for everyone and all parts of the world are affected. The only good thing is the fact that this, compared to last year, is all down.

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