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Saudi Arabia in search of third league footballers: so much money

by Michael

Saudi Arabia, not only big names from Europe’s top leagues, but also third tier players. That’s how much money they are offering

We’ve become accustomed, especially in Italy, but not only there, to the fact that from one day to the next some rich, very rich owner of an Arab club could arrive and put a lot of money on the table and close some incoming transaction that touches our favourite team.

And since the heart, at least among professionals, has gone to hell, then everyone really – with very rare exceptions – can go and play on the other side of the World. But there is something new, important, and it also concerns ordinary people: perhaps players from Serie D or Serie Eccellenza who are not professionals here and who could therefore decide to change their lives and go and play in the third league of the Saudi championship. You don’t believe this? Well, you are wrong, because the specialised portal FutbolJobs has published just such an ad. An ad that many Italian players might consider. But let’s go and see who they are looking for and, above all, how many suns they are offering. Ah, they’re really serious, since the ad also says “No time wasters”

Saudi Arabia, that’s how much money for the third series

Before going into the economic details of the offer, let’s look at the players, the roles, that are in demand there. Almost all of them, in fact, with the feeling that there are many clubs that could use some graft.

Benzema (Lapresse)

Benzema (Lapresse)

In the ad it says that they are looking for ‘striker, right and left outside, trequartista, low midfielder and central defender’ who can then move to Arabia to play in the league in question. The salary? Three to four thousand dollars a month, with the possibility of course also of having company accommodation where they can sleep and where they can stay without any problems. Let’s say it’s an offer, for those without a family, and for those with a desire to change their lives, that should definitely be considered. That money, in these parts, is almost impossible to see.

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