Betting, wins €17,000 but they don’t pay him. The bookmaker’s excuse is sensational. Here’s the story that “hit” a young English boy
Imagine being able before the World Cup in Qatar to predict the final, who will win the event and also who will win the prize for the best player in the tournament. Imagine betting just over 11 euros and winning, should it happen, 17 thousand. Imagine, finally, arriving at the bookmaker who accepted your bet and receiving 700 euros in return.
Well, it’s not science fiction but it’s reality. This in fact happened to a 30-year-old Englishman who, having seen how the World Cup went and having been certain that the prize for the best player went to Messi, went to the bookmaker who accepted when he predicted – and paper sings – but was given a fraction of what had previously been agreed. Yes, because over there, in England, one can go to a bookmaker, place his bet, and work out how much is quoted live. Then it is up to those behind the counter to decide whether or not to take it and if so what side to give. That’s how it went, at least until the end of the World Cup. After that things took a different turn with the feeling that it will go on for a long time. The cards are ready to be dealt.
Betting, Liam’s story
The young Englishman’s name is Liam, and he posted the whole thing on Facebook, saying he was obviously shaken by what had happened. And, the excuse of the third English book, was fanciful.
Argentina raises the World Cup
I went to cash in the bet and they told me it couldn’t be placed and offered me a much lower refund,” explained Liam. ‘There’s no room for manoeuvre. So I went to an independent complaints committee and I am waiting for a response from them. After my complaint several companies contacted me saying that if I bet from them, they would pay without any problem.”
And the answer? “These three events are all closely related to each other, so the win values that were offered on them individually cannot be included in a multiple. When Argentina and France reached the final, the odds of Argentina winning were lower than at the beginning. When Argentina then won the World Cup, the chances of Messi being the player of the tournament were more likely’. In short, 700 euros instead of 17,000. Even if, in the end, it will go ahead with the lawyers. The moral, however, is well known: watch where you bet, even if Liam has relied on what is considered the third largest British bookmaker.