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Sinner, total closure: but there’s still tomorrow

by Sabrina

Sinner, the hypothesis seems to be doomed now. There is, however, a plan B. And, at worst, there’s still tomorrow.

That’s all that’s being talked about in the last few hours. In the press as well as on social media. And it fits. Everyone would be curious to find out, at this point, if the hypothesis on the plate will go through or if, instead, nothing will be done about it. It is not yet time for revelations, however. Therefore, this is not the day when we will find out whether or not Jannik Sinner will be the blue flag-bearer at the next Olympics in Paris.

All that is certain is that everyone wants him and that he would be a perfect representative for the Bel Paese. With the amazing results he has achieved in recent months, no one would probably deserve him more. Coni, however, has not yet wanted to get out of line. Times are tight and by April 22 the name in question will have to be drawn out, but for the time being Giovanni Malagò has preferred to take his time. Making it clear, precisely, that he would not anticipate a decision that, in any case, has yet to be made.

The chances of the South Tyrolean being chosen as Italy’s flag bearer are, however, very slim. Malagò has dusted off the rule “according to which the standard-bearer must have won a gold medal at the Olympics,” suggesting that it is not certain that Jannik will be the one to win, despite his recent excellent performances. There is a possible Plan B, however. Indeed, it seems decidedly more credible to assume that the Innichen native will indeed serve as flag-bearer, but at the closing ceremony of the Paris Games, scheduled for Aug. 11.

Sinner, life is like that: some people open and some people close

It cannot be ruled out, however, that Sinner will have to wait well beyond August. The CONI president, with regard to the “candidacy,” clamored for by the people, of the King of Melbourne, has considered the possibility of him serving as the flag-bearer for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. In four years, that is, much to the chagrin of fans who dream of seeing him in this role.

There is nothing established, in short, much less certain. Except that holding the tricolor will have to be a man and a woman, presumably already Olympic gold medalists. At this point it is most likely that they will opt for one among Paltrinieri, Tamberi, Dell’Aquila, and an athlete among Palmisano, Marcia, and Banti.

And for Sinner, paraphrasing the title of Paola Cortellesi’s film, There’s Still Tomorrow. If not today, it will be in 2028. When, we are almost certain, he too will be able to count a gold medal on his already very rich palmares.

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