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Sinner insomnia-proof: final judgment

by Thorsten

iWith Jannik Sinner in the middle, no sleeping pills are needed: final judgment, no one had ever gone so far.

He’s not a snake charmer, but a tennis player. Word from the Washington Post, which in recent hours published in its columns an unusual portrait of the world No. 1. An athlete whom everyone likes, by and large, and of whom wonders are said at all latitudes, if only for his incredible stubbornness and workaholicism that has made him an unparalleled champion.


There are those who appreciate his variations, those who appreciate his extraordinary mental toughness. There are those who are incredulous before his repertoire so vast and varied, and there are those, finally, who sing his praises for his human characteristics, even before his undeniable sporting prowess. Of reasons to love Jannik Sinner, who has been able to make himself appreciated not only for his talent but also for his humility and simplicity, there are plenty, in short. Americans saw more than that, however, in the San Candido phenomenon.

Sports journalist Sally Jenkins has written a truly unique article discussing the Sinner method and offering a rather unusual portrait of the Italian gem who is making the whole world dream with her pyrotechnic tennis. A preamble is in order: his is a praise, although in certain passages of the piece could be interpreted otherwise.


Sinner better than a sleeping pill: crazy about his method


“Jannik Sinner is a sleepy guy who lulls his opponents and the audience to sleep by putting them to sleep with a suffocating rhythm. The rhythm of his blows is so regular that it lulls. And after a while the match doesn’t end… He falls asleep. “



The report was published after the very clear-cut victory over Australia’s Chris O’Connell, to whom Jannik left no chance. “He was expecting in vain a big explosion,” Jenkins said in reference to that match, ”Instead, there was just his clean, tick-tock, tick-tock style of play. “The most conspicuous thing he does is dry . he added, again, rather wryly – No yelling, no complaining, no smashing rackets.”

A great picture, then, of the Sinner method, an insomnia-proof method for any opponent. There is no doubt, in short, after this “final judgment,” that even America, now, which also has seen plenty of champions over the years, is crazy about him.

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