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Serie A, drama for one of the league’s best-known faces: ‘Cancer found in my son’

by Mark

Serie A, the drama experienced by a footballer who also had a past at Inter Milan is the worst in life. Here is his tale that has gone around the world

The worst of the worst. The worst nightmare for everyone. Let alone for a parent. But fortunately, that is all behind us now. But the story is touching, emotional, which immediately went around the world and even reached Argentina, Cristian Ansaldi’s homeland.

Defender for Parma, which had just won the Serie A, he also played for Inter. And it was during that period of his career that the defensive outfielder experienced the worst that could happen in a man’s life. He had the courage, Ansaldi, to tell Cronache di Spogliatoio about it, inside a long interview in which there are some really important passages. And let’s go and see what he said.

Serie A, Ansaldi’s drama

“When I was at Inter in 2016, the doctors found cancer in my 5-year-old son. It was one of the things that marked my life. At that moment you think, ‘You have money, you have a lot of friends, but what good is all that if then life alone shows you that the most important thing you have, which is your son, could suddenly go away?’ In such difficult times one might question everything, but instead I always stayed connected to my faith. I felt an incredible peace within myself. You can do anything, but God has the last word anyway.”

He clung to God, the Argentinean. Just as everyone does when something like this happens. Hard not to have faith at those junctures in life, hard not to hope for something. Fortunately, as mentioned, the black moment is behind him, Ansaldi is back to smiling and telling the story. But who knows what moment the defender went through. Just the thought of it is hard to accept.

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