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“It’s good to see him like this”: Sinner did it again

by Mark

Jannik Sinner has shined again after personal problems in recent months. And the fans have noticed. Yes, he did it again

The moment he was able to tell what had happened to him, we are very sure that Jannik Sinner got a huge weight off his chest.

He’s been through some difficult times, not on the field, those are a detail compared to the personal events that have involved him over the last few months. In fact, they are nothing at all. And at the Us Open, objectively, we’re seeing a completely different Sinner. He has different eyes the world number one. He has eyes that show how he has put a delicate moment in his sporting and professional life behind him. In short, he is a different guy. And who knows how much it weighed on him to say no to the Olympics because of those physical problems that, in this case, got him out of the way.

Jannik Sinner is reborn, how nice

And, as said before, his fans have noticed too. And they’re commenting on what he’s doing at the Us Open in a big way, almost giving him a hand up and trying to help him. One of the nicest comments came from a user who highlighted a fact that is in the public eye but which, not all of us, we highlight.

“One of the things I appreciate most about Jan from the last year and a half is that when she misses glaring points she smiles, no screaming or throwing rackets… She smiles and it’s unique. In the last few months he has been doing that less and less, and it was really missing. It’s good to see him like that again on the court.” Yes, it’s really nice to see him back on the court and it’s especially nice to see him back on the court like this, with this passion, with this desire, with this grit that has always distinguished him. And also with this beautiful smile, of a decent guy who has no intention of abdicating. We are all with you, Jannik.

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