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From Juve to Inter: he releases himself and signs

by Mike

From Juve to Inter: he will be released and could sign for the Nerazzurri even if the negotiation is not hot enough at the moment. Here is the situation concerning Beppe Marotta’s club.

Inter’s new president, Beppe Marotta, who was already the Nerazzurri’s CEO, is a wizard of zero-parameter strikes. In this way, in this first part of the soccer market alone, he has already picked up Taremi and Zielinski, and this may not be the end of it.

With the Nerazzurri finances being what they are, it is normal to think of grafts that can be functional to the project without passing out in difficult negotiations. And it is precisely for this reason that a new name would have popped up, a Serie A release that in the past, especially last summer, had also been approached with some insistence by Juventus. We are not talking for the moment of a real negotiation – according to information reported by calciomercato.it – but of a proposal arrived to Inter by the player’s entourage.

From Juve to Inter, here is Bonaventura

Bonaventura will not participate in the European Championship, and his nonconvocation has weighed on the soul of the footballer who has done nothing to hide it. He will leave Fiorentina next June 30, and as mentioned Juve had also thought about it last year. A year later we are here talking about a proposal to Inter, although for the moment the Nerazzurri would not be so interested in the shot in the middle of the field. Yes, between now and the next two and a half months, there are a lot of things that could change, and it is not certain that there might not be something concrete.

Bonaventura proved during the year just gone by that he is an important footballer, one who can still make a difference. And maybe, in a club like Inter that will let several elements in the middle of the field leave, one of them being Klassen, he could come in handy in the running game. We’ll see, but it is a track absolutely to follow.

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