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Drama for Berrettini: shock announcement about injury

by Lea

Drama for Berrettini, the Italian tennis player is increasingly unlucky. Shock announcement on injury before the Us Open

Matteo Berrettini’s Us Open ended in the second round. Too early for someone like him who has incredible potential. But unfortunately that’s what sports is, the strongest doesn’t always win and the one who really deserves doesn’t always move on.


And then there is the fact that Matteo is too unlucky. Since the summer after the Wimbledon final he has always been in the midst of that bad luck that has not allowed him to show up at his best in the challenges that matter. And even in this American tournament he was not in the best possible condition. In fact, he announced after the match against Taylor that he was really sick.


Drama for Berrettini, words on injury


“Taylor played a crazy match and simply was better than me. I would like to watch the match again but I don’t remember two consecutive free errors from him, for me in this condition he deserves a better ranking than he has, Taylor is a tennis player always to be avoided,” he said, meanwhile, commenting on the match. And then he passed on the health condition.



“I’m okay now but it was unfortunate that I couldn’t train and the fact that I couldn’t play more tournaments. I had phlebitis in a vein in my calf, it was missing from the list…! I honestly didn’t even know what it was it hardened and I thought it was the muscle. Now it’s getting better, it didn’t bother me today but it bothered my preparation.” In short, another physical problem and not a minor one for Matteo. Who meanwhile is registered for all tournaments in China and Tokyo. “I want to play and I want to play so much. Of course, if I were to be called for Davis I would be very happy to represent Italy,” he closed, touching an important key. We will see how it will work out for him in this respect.

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