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Betting, New Year’s Eve with a bang: tide of goals for 4 thousand euros

by Thorsten

Betting, New Year’s Eve with a tide of goals and 4 thousand euro hit. We at IlVeggente.it also celebrated. Here’s what happened

New Year’s Eve with a bang. With dreams coming true. With money that helps you look forward to 2025 with a smile on your face. Yes, even those who follow IlVeggente.it (always free predictions on the site and here on our Telegram channel) celebrated. The first day of the year was smiling.

Even for this player who decided to invest an absolutely, or almost, affordable amount of money to start the new year with the beauty of more than four thousand euros in his pocket. To be precise, thanks also to a bonus of 586.12 euros, the lucky man – who played on the PlanetWin365.it site – snatched the beauty of 4,49.36 euros. A lot of money, thinking that he invested only 33euros. As if he played cards with friends. Only, this shot, having fun with family and relatives, he would not have done it at all. But let’s go and see, in short, how he managed to bring home this incredible sum. We anticipate, it’s not like he wasted that much time studying. He did what you usually do when you want to try to stay in the game until the end of the game.

Betting, here’s the first hit of the year

On New Year’s Day, all the English minor leagues played. And it was just across the English Channel that, this bettor, decided to go and play. Eight matches all predicted the same way: goals. That is, both teams scoring during the 90minute span. And so it happened.

Some pretty high odds, too, as you can serenely read below. One even exceeded twice the stakes. But nevertheless, the gift came and a big one at that. A 2025 with a bang. A dream 2025. Best wishes to him.

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