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Betting, 11 matches plus a live one: won over 20 thousand euros

by Sabrina

Betting, 11 matches plus a live one hit in the 90th minute. Won over 20 thousand euros this way. The incredible match slip hit

He finally succeeded. Because according to Agimeg.co.uk, the player in question is no stranger to this kind of play. And this time he managed to hit the jackpot, taking home a staggering amount of money by managing to hit the prediction of twelve matches, and that’s no small feat. In fact, that’s a lot, hence the huge winnings taken home.

The fact happened at the Goldbet agency in Mozzate in the province of Como where, a man, with an investment on a slip of 40 euros (and these are not few either) managed to hit one of the biggest hits of this 2024. The total win, in fact, was 22,777.78 euros. A particular multiple, since within it there was also a match played Live that could have surely broken all the balances.

Betting, here’s the winning slip

That was not the case, because Venezia in Venezia-Bari scored precisely the fourth goal of the match, in the 90th minute. And that was the bet placed during the Serie B match. The betting slip embraced not only the cadet league but also other leagues, from Serie A via the Bundesliga, La Liga and the Premier League. But also some less sought-after leagues such as those of Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands. All together, 12 events, and really dream shot.

Going to look at the schedule in detail, the highest odds were the draw between Juventus and Atalanta last week. Then there were also Champions League matches such as Arsenal’s 1 over Porto and the double on Barcelona-Naples. In short, matches that came out and gave as said a major hit, resounding we might add. On Agimeg.it, finally, we read that this agency is one of the luckiest ones in this beginning of the year given that within it 500 to 1,000 euros have been won through scratch cards on several occasions. If you are in the areas, perhaps, you would do well to drop in.

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