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Berrettini spills the beans: no secrets, no more hiding

by Martin

Berrettini, so the Roman tennis player has decided to lay himself bare once and for all: striking announcement, it’s about time.

Already in the past few days he had hinted, with a gesture that was in its own way striking, that he was longing for something new. That he intended to be done with the past and to start doing his own thing. So much so that, without warning anyone, out of the blue, he shot some Instagram Stories, three to be precise, in which he spoke off the cuff. Without “cue cards” in front, without a sterile script to follow.

Matteo Berrettini has a desire to get back into the game, and he has begun to do just that, reacquainting himself with social media. For a couple of years or so he probably let his press office handle it. It was rare for him to post anything of his own, other than a link to some song he appreciates. Otherwise, nothing but photos accompanied by cold, objective announcements, or photos and videos taken and shot in training, were seen on his bulletin board. Of his private life, but this in hindsight is also fair, one saw little and nothing.

The Roman’s Instagram profile had now become, so to speak, institutional. That is why at some point he opted for this drastic change of course, choosing to put his face on it and deciding to show himself as he is. For better or for worse. A 27-year-old guy who still has a lot of dreams in his drawer and who also had a lot of desire to reconnect with his supporters. And this, as you will find out shortly, was just the beginning.

Berrettini bares his soul: finally the truth

This step, probably preparatory to his return to the court and the path he intends to take in the certainty that he can count on the fans, will be followed shortly by another. Just as important, just as crucial.

On the morning of Tuesday, February 20, at 12:30 p.m., Matteo Berrettini (who will also be a guest on C’è posta per te tonight, ed.) will hold a press conference. Most likely he will announce how he intends to act from here on and what decisions he has made, relative to his future, together with the rest of the team and the new coach, Francisco Roig.

After months of silence and speculation he will then, once and for all, spill the beans. No more secrets, no more hiding. And no more, above all, keeping in the dark his supporters, who have continued to believe in him and his comeback even in the darkest moments of the capital tennis player’s career. He will almost certainly confirm his participation in the Indian Wells qualifiers, in whose entry list he is in fact already entered. The right choice. Because if there is one thing he needs now it is not to win, but simply to play.

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