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Atrocious drama shocks sports world: “I have cancer” | Fans mourn

by Sabrina

A heinous drama shocks the sports world, particularly tennis. The announcement is goosebumps. “I have cancer,” was the revelation. Here’s who we’re talking about

He was a world number one. And in 2003 he also won the Us Open. Andy Roddick has revealed that he has skin cancer. He did so during his latest tip of the podcast “Served with Andy Roddick. “

A surprise announcement that left many fans stunned and immediately concerned about the tennis player’s condition. A situation that Roddick has been experiencing for a very long time. Yes, because we are talking about something that has affected him for several years but only now, the tennis player, wanted to make it public. His words are a blade to all the fans who have loved him throughout his career.

Roddick announced that he has cancer

He first had symptoms in 2012, the year he decided to end his professional career. Roddick recounted all the steps this way. “I’ve had to deal with several types of skin cancer since I stopped playing. Five or six years ago I had a squamous cell tumor removed from my lip. I had never talked about it. This morning, for example, I had a laser treatment on my face and that’s why you see me like this on YouTube, like I’m angry. This whole thing is heavy. I will have to do preventive work for the rest of my life. What you have to do is use sunscreen. Put sunscreen on your children. Especially if they play tennis. “

A situation that seems to have passed, at least the most important and the most dangerous, but that will not allow him to live peacefully for the rest of his life. Prevention, this is what the American tennis player asks of those who follow him. Prevention in all fields, especially in the world of sports. It is necessary to protect oneself, too, from the rays of the sun that many people like so much but which, as we know, are really dangerous. And the organizers of the Rome Internationals also know this, who are distributing these days, thanks also to sponsors, sunscreen to all those who want it.

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