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ATP ranking overturned: Berrettini can rejoice

by Martin

Atp ranking overturned: Matteo Berrettini, one of Italy’s top tennis talents can rejoice. Here’s the official revelation about his future

He had us dreaming for a while. Until the Wimbledon final, the highest point of his career, lost to that monster Djokovic, who in 2021 still dictated the law on the world tennis circuit.

Matteo Berrettini then, due to some injuries that undermined his physical certainties, got a little lost along the way. But 2024 for him was undoubtedly the year of rebirth, that of a return to victories, not only personal but also as a team, with the Davis Cup shining in his trophy case. Won as a star, as we recall, together with Sinner in the doubles semifinals. In short, everything points to a major, disruptive return to the world scenes. A return of the resounding kind, a return of the kind that can only do the sport good. And that everything can go right is also convinced by his former coach, Vincenzo Santopadre, who in an interview with TuttoSport put these statements on paper.

Atp ranking overturned: Berrettini exults

“I wish him the best, first of all. He deserves it. In Davis he was splendid… He remains a tennis player of great performances, if he sticks a few in right away we’ll find him like nothing in the top 15 or 20. He continues to be a winner, in spite of all the troubles that have happened to him. On the wire he often finds a way to finish in front. Those are rare gifts… Someone like that can beat anyone. “

Santopadre, immediately after speaking this way about Matteo, made a prediction about the possible titles of the Italian tennis players, “Well, it will be 25… If it gives me so much, why not? The group is really large, motivated. Boys and girls together make a beautiful community. All different and all friends, there is commonality of intentions. And when you put so many of them, on the field, and of good value, the chances of doing well increase. “

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