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Sinner, there’s more besides money: the reason for that “no”

by Sabrina

Sinner, the whole truth about the most talked-about “no” in the history of blue tennis: there’s more to it than just the bank account.

One is born a champion, goes an old adage, which we believe to be only partially true. The stuff and temperament either you have or you don’t, that’s for sure, but the risk of talent going untapped is dangerously high. Especially in case it is not matched by willpower and the will to raise the bar higher and higher.

Jannik Sinner, who, while still a teenager, realized that he had a particular aptitude for tennis, knows something about it. Once he sensed this, he packed his bags and said goodbye to his mom, dad, brother Mark, best friends and his mountains to leave for Bordighera. It was there, in the court of his former coach Riccardo Piatti, that he was given the tools to become a champion. It was a long, very arduous process that necessarily involved a series of renunciations that no one would ever make. Least of all at age 13, the age the South Tyrolean was when he left home and filled his trolley with dreams and hopes.

Believing wasn’t enough; it had to grow. And he has grown so much, Italy’s No. 1, that now yes, one can speak of him as a champion. But let it not be said that it was easy, that he was destined for this and that it was going to happen anyway, sooner or later. Because only those who have been on the same path as him can know what such a choice entails and how hard it can be. “It gives me positive and negative emotions,” Sinner said, referring to tennis, in an interview with Corriere dello Sport in recent days, “joys and pains. It gives me everything. “

Sinner, who cares about turnover: the truth from Jannik

Although he has immolated his life to tennis, however, there are those who continue to think that he does not do it only out of passion. That he plays solely and exclusively to see his bank account soar and to be counted among the sport’s Paperoni. Now, that just doesn’t sit well with the native of Innichen.

(Jannik Sinner (AnsaFoto) , ilveggente.it)

(Jannik Sinner (AnsaFoto) , ilveggente.it)

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