Paola Egonu, it’s really true that in life you should never say never: the blue volleyball star has proven herself
You can accuse her of everything, but not that she is not transparent and crystal clear.Paola Egonushe has always exposed herself so much and never hid behind a finger, which is why, in addition to talent, we must undoubtedly recognize her another gift: thesincerity
This is evidenced by the fact that every time she started a new love relationship she came out of the closet without making a big deal about it. She did it when she was with her Polish-born colleagueKatarzyna Skorupaand she did it again, then, when the affair with the volleyball playerMichal Filip began. These two loves she has now left behind, but just in the past few hours she announced with a snap on social media that she has started dating a new guy. And, once again, it is asportsman Because a leopard, you know, can’t change its spots.
It matters little, then, that the Citadel opposite had vowed never to date an athlete again, as we told youherea few months ago. This time, too, she fell in love with a player, again a volleyball player (his name isLeonardo Puliti,ndr), proving that sports is a unique glue and that the most beautiful passions can be born under the net. But let’s dig into the archives and find out what Egonu had said about love stories between colleagues.
Paola Egonu, never say never: she denied herself
“Sportsmen cheat-these were the harsh words that the beautiful Paola had entrusted toVanity Fair-They are all married with children, then you go on an away trip and catch them having a night out with other girls. Inconceivable: you invest time to make a connection with a person,then you get the urge to sc…re andflush it all down the toilet? It’s hell for us women. “
Many had traced these words as the possible reason for the breakup with Filip, but the volleyball player never told what went wrong between them. Neither did he, who did not hint at all about the relationship with the Italian volleyball star.
The fact remains that the Vero Volleyball Milan player, in a way,has debunked herself Although she promised never to date an athlete again, here she is again with a sportsman. The fact that she has retraced her steps is clearly symptomatic, however, of avery strongfeeling, so we are well willing to forgive her. We only hope that this time the roses can bloom