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Paola Egonu, but what a fairy tale: unexpected confession

by Mark

Paola Egonu blurts out in Buffa’s court and tells something totally unexpected: who would have thought?

Paola Egonu has never backed down. Neither on the court, when her contribution and “brute” strength were most needed, nor in life. Hiding behind a finger is not an option for her, and this is evidenced by the fact that she has always spoken freely about her choices.

She did not hide in her time that she fell in love with a colleague. Nor has she made any secret now of her recently born but already promising relationship with volleyball player Leonardo Puliti. The opposite of Cittadella is just like that, in short: transparent and crystal clear, sincere and unabashed. It was to be expected, then, that in the presence of Federico Buffa she would open up like no one else had ever done before. The fourth installment of the original Sky Sport production did not disappoint expectations in the least, then.

The sports journalist and storyteller par excellence invited Egonu as the emblem of the new generation of champions and managed to “extort” several noteworthy pieces of information from her during the chat. Including an unexpected confession that will have left viewers stunned and gives us a very different picture of Paola’s “fairy tale”.

Paola Egonu, no fairy tale: “I hated her “

When Buffa asked her how her passion for volleyball was born, the Vero Volley Milan star brought up a rather curious anecdote.

“I was 11 years old,” Egonu told during the fourth episode of the successful Sky home format, “I was doing well in school but once I finished my homework I spent all my time watching cartoons, especially Mila and Shiro. One day my dad says ‘come on, let’s try something, so you can move around a bit and not just lounge on the couch,’ so I decided to try volleyball.”

So far, you will agree with us, there is nothing to make us jump off the couch. Just an ordinary story and a rather common passion for a volleyball player, namely that of the volleyball-themed cartoon. “The first week I hated it,” Paola added, “I hated the fact that I had to take orders from someone. But then I discovered the team, the teammates, the sharing of emotions, and even though I was small I fell in love with it.” Far from love at first sight, then. A love that was born slowly but ended up irrevocably turning her life upside down.

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