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Berrettini, the heart wants what the heart wants: unexpected turning point

by Sabrina

Berrettini turned against them in order to follow his heart: he decided to put on his face and say enough.

Custom branded cap, sweatshirt and unkempt stubble. This is how, au natural and in his style, Matteo Berrettini decided to show himself on social networks to announce the beginning of his very personal revolution. Something that has to do, but not too much, with tennis. Which concerns, more than anything else, his desire to come back in all senses, not only on the court.

Those who follow the Roman tennis player know that he used to be very active on Instagram and other platforms. At some point, however, someone must have warned him about the potential risks of media exposure, because all of a sudden he had stopped, practically, interacting with his followers. Only from time to time did he return to post something, but it was always “sterile” content, clearly studied, and as such a bit cold. A photo and a few lines to communicate a forfeit, participation in a tournament or yet another stop due to injury. Berrettini had, in short, lost, so to speak, the direct line that until a certain point had kept him in touch with his fans.

And yesterday began, precisely, his revolution. He picked up his smartphone, directed the camera toward himself and began to speak, putting his face and, above all, his heart into it. He shot a more than 2-minute video message in which he said all sorts of things, even alluding to the fact that that move would not please either his press office or his agent. In spite of that, however, he wanted to do it anyway, because he felt the need, so he said, to make a video and just be himself. Something that evidently, right or wrong, he had been precluding himself for a while.

The message you don’t expect is signed Berrettini

Berrettini talks, but he says and doesn’t say. He gives no firm indication of his return to the court, yet he wanted to let fans know how excited he is at the mere thought of lacing up his sneakers again and getting back on the court.

“For some time I had the need to make a video to thank the people who have been helping me in the last few months,” he says, among many other things, “which have certainly not been the easiest of my career. With great effort I am trying to overcome this moment and get back on track to have fun and do many good things. The most important thing is to thank you for the help you are giving me, for the messages of comfort and support from all the people who want my good beyond the results. This is something I wanted to do. I didn’t want to put out a colder press release or a social post. I think this is the easiest way to reach everyone. You are helping me like never before.”

“It’s my idea,” he added-it was not organized by anyone. My press office and my agents probably won’t be overjoyed, but I think that’s the beauty of social. I wanted to tell you that I’m fine, I’m better, and I’ll be back on the field shortly. I’m training hard and you have to have a little bit more patience. This is my message, this is something I did spontaneously. This is me. Three stories. So many were enough for the Berrettinians doc to start dreaming again.

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