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Surprise deal: Manolas stays in Serie a, strike in defense

by Sabrina

Falciomercato: there could be a surprise deal in Serie A. There is an element in defense that could remain in Italy. The situation

It is not first-rate, and it needs to be said and emphasized. But apparently in Serie A people are looking for experienced defenders. So much so that in these hours there is talk of Hummels and Varane, who are not so fresh either, but who could also appear for the first time in our league. We shall see.

And after a couple of years in his homeland, the Greek Manolas also returned to Italy last January. His experience at Salernitana did not go so well, along with another “oldie” named Boateng. But despite this, according to the latest market rumors that are circulating at the moment, the defender with a sensational past at Roma, author of that goal against Barcelona that completed an epic comeback, could stay in our league. There are at least three teams that would be thinking about it, and let’s see which ones they are.

Manolas in Serie A

Two that achieved salvation last year, plus a newly promoted team that is trying to build a roster up to the task of not suffering so much next year. Let’s start with the first two: in fact, on Manolas there would be the eyes of Cagliari, with new coach Nicola, and Empoli, which has decided to rely on D’Aversa.

In addition, to these two clubs, Fabio Pecchia’s Parma, which has dominated the Serie B championship and which would be precisely paying attention to the player who has been released by Salernitana and is free on the market as of today. In short, a man of experience who could play some important games. Hoping if someone could get him to decisively change the performance that accompanied him in the second half of last season.

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