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Betting scandal: what Bari and Bellomo risk

by Thorsten

Betting scandal, what Bari and Bellomo who is under investigation by federal prosecutors after red card in playout final. All revealed

A scandal that broke out a few days ago that rightly continues to cause discussion. We are talking about the red card Bellomo got during the playout against Ternana when his team, Bari, was ahead three to zero.

An altercation with a ball boy had led to the expulsion, which, according to information circulating in recent days, was quoted at as much as 24 times the stake. The federal prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation while, now, they are trying to figure out what measures could be taken against the player and the Apulian club. Speaking, intercepted by TuttoBari.com, was lawyer Paco D’Onofrio. Who explained, in full detail, what could happen over the next few weeks. And it is not a good situation for the Galletti. But let’s go through the situation together.

Betting scandal, the words of the lawyer

The Code of Sports Justice provides not only a penalty for the case in which a member of the club makes a bet on a soccer match, but also the more serious hypothesis consisting of having directly contributed to the realization of the event that is the subject of the bet, with acts directed at altering the normal course of the competition.

“In these cases, the penalties are particularly severe, consisting of months/years of disqualification for the member directly involved and penalty points for the club with which he or she is registered, by way of strict liability, pursuant to Article 30 CGS FIGC. The penalties should not fall in the current season, because it ends before a possible ruling.” In short, the whole thing could be postponed until next year. We do not know how it will turn out, but of one thing we are certain: from the very beginning this expulsion was, let’s say, anomalous. And the federal prosecutor’s office decided to see it through a few days after the conclusion of the playout that led to the salvation of the team of President De Laurentiis that won away. We will obviously see what decisions will be made and whether or not Bellomo will come out clean from this difficult situation that has arisen.

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