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Sinner, ruthless attack: “In his place I would be ashamed.”

by Thorsten

Sinner, you can’t please everyone, and this is confirmation of that. He didn’t mince words, he was really ruthless.

The world is not beautiful unless it is quarrelsome, goes an old adage. And the wise man who first put this “rumor” out there, who knows when, was absolutely right. It would be a bore if everyone was madly in love with Jannik Sinner: there would be no more confrontation, no fun, and no cheering.

There is, therefore, room for the fact that the South Tyrolean champion may not be liked by some, notwithstanding the successes he has collected so far thanks to his-that is certainly objective-talent. So many of those variables come into play when making a judgment about someone, famous or not, that one cannot expect everyone to converge in the same direction. It is not surprising, therefore, that Nicola Pietrangeli, a legend of Italian tennis, is convinced that his heir from Alto Adige is unlikely to achieve the same goals as him. Especially those related to the Davis Cup.

Or rather, someone who was surprised by the words of the former tennis player, to tell the truth, there is. He, too, used to play tennis, just like the 90-year-old from Tunis, and he didn’t mince his words when MowMag interviewed him about the champions of the present, especially Matteo Berrettini, fresh off an extraordinary triumph in Morocco, and Jannik Sinner, who continues, undaunted and fearless, his ride to the highest peak of the Atp ranking.

Sinner, fire on Pietrangeli: what a thrashing

That someone is Daniele Bracciali, former tennis player and Italy’s No. 1 for 11 weeks. The athlete, now 46, indulged in “ruthless” remarks about Pietrangeli and his modus operandi

“I totally stopped reading and listening to everything Pietrangeli says long ago,” he said when asked what he thought of Nicola’s views on Sinner, “And here I draw a veil. I really don’t care what he says, he shoots so many and so big that I am still amazed that there is anyone who listens to him.”

“It’s sad,” he added, “that Pietrangeli every time attacks Italian players. I played many years in the Davis Cup and he was the ambassador: every time there were official scenes he never made a speech in favor of the Italian players. He thinks only he is the phenomenon and also what he said about Sinner is really funny, I would have been ashamed in his place. Sinner will do a hundred times more than what Pietrangeli did.” And the hearing is taken away.

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