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Good for Bologna but not for Juve: “Incognita Thiago Motta”

by Mike

Could Thiago Motta really be good for Juve? Juventus fans are divided between those who would like Conte’s return and those who call for the arrival of the Bologna coach.

Former Lazio and Juve coach Giuliano Giannichedda spoke to TvPlay’s microphones about Thiago Motta’s exploits this past season as Bologna coach and the rumors that want him as Juve’s new coach to replace the disappointing Massimiliano Allegri.

“Motta, Palladino and Girardino are the present but it is not certain that they can also be the future,” Giannicchedda said. “So be careful: coaches who at Genoa, Monza or Bologna are doing well must know that they are facilitated. They do well because the environment is perfect for them. If they lose a game, they know that nothing happens, if they draw it, nothing happens. But at Juve and in the big teams if you draw some noise starts.”

“And if you lose, let alone!” the interviewee continued. “Then, if you lose two in a row, it’s immediately crisis. More than the training method, it’s the pressure you have around you that makes the difference.”

According to Giannicchedda, it is therefore not certain that a coach like Thiago Motta can do well at Juve. “For a young coach the question is to understand what kind of situation there is and be able to handle it, otherwise you get crushed, it’s inevitable. “

Doubts about Thiago Motta at Juve: “He may not necessarily do well. “

For the interviewee, words of praise should never be spoken considering only the short term. “It also happens with players who make four good games in a row: immediately there is talk of the national team or landing in a big one. But it doesn’t work that way. You need a path of growth and these coaches are doing that. But coaching a big club is different than coaching a good club doing great things. Making the leap is always an unknown. “

“We welcome innovation, and if Motta can bring more modern soccer to life, that’s always good,” the former Lazio player continued. “Having been a top player helps, because whoever has been there immediately understands the feeling of the footballer not playing and understands certain dynamics. And whoever has not been a high-level player takes longer to understand certain dynamics. And this soccer does not give you time, because at the media level there is a lot of exposure.”

“In this sense,” Giannicchedda concluded, “it is not necessarily the case that Thiago Motta, although he has been a champion, can turn out to be a coach capable of doing well at Juve. “

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