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Acerbi, racism case: “Here’s what I think”

by Thorsten

If the sentence Acerbi said to Juan Jesus were established, the defender would risk 10 days, and meanwhile there is renewed talk of racism in soccer.

Inter has already stated that there will soon be a confrontation with the player, while Pastorello, the defender’s agent, has stated that Francesco Acerbi would never make racist insults to Juan Jesus. It all stems from the very serious accusations made by Juan Jesus against Francesco Acerbi during Inter-Napoli. The Napoli defender addressed referee La Penna claiming that Acerbi had allegedly apostrophized him with an insult (“he told me n…o”).

For Acerbi, should the racism case be proven, a long disqualification could now come. Journalist Paolo Bargiggia, speaking at the microphones of TvPlay, also spoke about it. According to the journalist, the case should be scaled down: “I really don’t think Acerbi is racist: in case, he said a bullshit but racism has nothing to do with it.”

“Racism is a serious thing,” the interviewee continued. “These incidents of discrimination have always been there. Materazzi was insulted in all stadiums with son of a pu**ana, with his mother died when he was 15. Where is the difference? If it were established that Acerbi racially offended Juan Jesus he would risk a full 10 days of disqualification.”

Returning to soccer, Bargiggia then said he noticed an Inter team struggling against Napoli: “The Nerazzurri were not brilliant from a physical point of view. In my opinion, an unconscious relaxation weighed, if you will: intensity was lacking. For Napoli, it’s a draw that serves little purpose to be able to fight for a Champions place. “

Accusations of racism for Acerbi: “He risks big “

Then the interviewee also commented on yet another disappointing result for Juventus. “Allegri is not changing anything. He is averaging 0.85 points per game in the last few games. This is a relegation average,” Bargiggia pointed out.

“I don’t understand why he never deploys the offensive trident. Against Genoa he put Kean in the last five minutes. What’s the point? I vote for exoneration. I also didn’t like Allegri’s confrontation with Teotino on Sky: he looked like a suburban bully. The grade I give Juve today is 4.5.”

Finally, a comment on Sarri’s resignation. “He lost control of the locker room. Lotito, however, was not elegant in saying that someone betrayed him: in this way he has stirred up the fans. In my opinion, Sarri needs to be downsized a bit and I think he is on his way out. At Chelsea and Juve he ended up the same way. I don’t think he can go to Fiorentina as a post-Italian. La Viola is looking for a young coach. “

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