Dia has been placed off the roster by Salernitana and there is no guarantee he will be reinstated by the end of the season. The granata have denounced him.
After two thrilling salvations, Salernitana now seems doomed to B. The Campania club’s lawyer Francesco Fimmanò spoke to the microphones of TvPlay to discuss the situation of the Granata team and Iervolino’s intentions. In addition, the lawyer explained what is happening with Dia.
Before relating to internal issues, Fimmanò discussed the Milan case, with the Guardia di Finanza’s search of the club’s headquarters. “I believe that the Milan issue is simpler than it appears. From what has been read, the Rossoneri are in a special situation: there is a lien on the large amount of shareholdings, related to significant financing… Such situations in the past have been targeted by the various international sports justices. The Red Bull case also the Gazprom case are concrete examples.”
“When there is a dominant influence, problems arise,” the interviewee continued, “because if you are the owner of several teams competing in the same competition. I do not believe that Milan wants to hide anything. Lille belongs to the Elliott fund, and this is where the criticality arises.” And according to the interviewee, Milan is risking something, but more in Europe than in Italy.
At this point the lawyer entered the Dia issue. “A footballer must have rights but also duties. For me it was a surreal situation: it’s as if any worker suddenly gets impatient and decides not to respect contracts. The soccer player cannot hold everyone in check. We have a footballer that no one ever expected that we could redeem, with a pharaonic contract for our context. We bet on him, with the fans overjoyed, and then suddenly he imposes his own rules. “
Dia sued: “He stuck his neck out and now we’re suing him “
The lawyer then went over the various stages of the clashes between Salernitana and Dia: “We made the first sanction to the boy, then we tried to come together to find a square. Then in January no one wanted him and the situation got even worse. Right now I would not call it blackmail, but there are very serious contractual and functional defaults on the part of the striker. We have to put a curb on this. “
Dia cost Salernitana 15 million: “And he gets 3 million a year. Currently off the roster and no longer playing, so for us the right figure for compensation is around 20 million, with the lawsuit that has already been filed.”
Then a final line to comment on Iervolino’s future as president. “The fans have to be the fans and the president carry out the tasks. Iervolino was precise in his last interview, and he said he wants to stay if he is appreciated, as in any other company one should reason. “