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Betting, they did it again: 46 thousand euros this way

by Michael

Betting, they did it again: they won 46 thousand euros this way. Friends prove to be great players

They did it again. Unbelievable. Not hitting the same winnings as a few months ago, but still managing to take home an incredible sum that one hardly takes in life. And because once can happen, if we’re talking about luck, the second time is no fluke. It means that these 11 friends who decided to play together are good at it. Evident.

But let’s go in order, reporting the story that Agimeg.it told. And let’s start with the first hit, the 80,000 euro one that eleven friends decided to place. Six different plays, with many games in common, and someone then put his own spin on it. Well, all this led to hitting a resounding jackpot inside the Goldbet agency in Martinsicuro in the province of Teramo. It was October, the friends were recent clients of the agency, but they made themselves known right away, quite immediately as well.

Betting, here’s the big score

And to keep their name alive, of course, as people who know how to play the game, this past weekend they decided to pull off the second big score. This time they decided to play 11 sports events, betting a total of 300euros. Besides an A1 Women’s Volleyball match, the other games involved soccer. They ranged from Serie A to the English Premier League, via Portugal, Germany and the San Marino league.

A schedule spread out over a week – and this is also what knowing how to play since no one or few can wait that long for a single bet – but in the end this obviously led to having luck on one’s side. Ah, now it’s time to also reveal how much they won, precisely: 46,562 euros. That’s a lot of money, with the X of Lazio-Napoli being the highest odds and Inter hitting twice: the first time in the away match in Florence and the second time in last Sunday’s match against Juventus at San Siro. A truly resounding hit.

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