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Sampdoria v Verona, Serie A: streaming, odds, predictions

by Sabrina

Sampdoria v Verona is a Serie A Week 27 match to be played on Sunday at 12:30: odds, predictions, TV and streaming.

Sampdoria, who, despite returning empty-handed from Turin last Sunday, had managed to give Juventus a scare by winning back two goals in the space of a few minutes against the Bianconeri, are ready to go all out in their salvation clash with Verona. Last call for the blucerchiati, now with one foot and a half in B after yet another defeat.

The formation coached by Dejan Stankovic, in the midst of an increasingly worrying corporate crisis, did not demerit in the home of the Old Lady, unblocking also from the offensive point of view (4-2), but from this moment on, they cannot make any mistakes if they want to keep the flame of hope lit and continue to believe in staying in the top division. The classification is what it is: Samp is last, tied on points with Cremonese and twelve lengths away from fourth-last Spezia (who were defeated in Friday’s advance on the field of Sassuolo). It goes without saying that only with a string of victories can the blucerchiati at least get back into contention, as they are now even out of contention. Courage and pride are indispensable qualities, but in this final rush they are no longer enough to recover from a situation that to define critical is only an understatement.

Last beach for Sampdoria

There is a serious risk that Verona, whose situation is in any case less dramatic than that of Sampdoria, will also find themselves downstairs.



The Scaligeri appear to be the only one of the three teams lying at the bottom of the table to be in with a chance of salvation, and a win at the Marassi would send them back to -2 from Spezia. Two draws in a row for Marco Zaffaroni’s men, who have thus turned the page after the two defeats against Roma and Fiorentina. Against Spezia and Monza, however, something more could perhaps have been done, and what worries the coach are the offensive problems, which seem to have flared up again: in the last four days Verona have scored just one goal. The Gialloblù attack is the second least prolific right after Sampdoria’s.

Sampdoria v Verona: latest line-up news

New additions to Sampdoria’s midfield, where the re-established Cuisance will take the place of the disqualified Rincon alongside former Tottenham man Winks. In goal will instead go Turk, Audero’s second, who will not return before mid-April. The other absentees at Samp are Lammers, Pussetto and Conti. In attack Djuricic will assist the pair Gabbiadini-Jesé.

There are changes in Verona’s attack, where the Bosnian Djuric, now fully recovered, is ahead of the Argentine Gaich. Behind him will act Lazovic and Kallon: Verdi is absent and will only be seen after the break for the national teams. Hien is out, while Ngonge is better and could at least go on the bench. The starter on the left flank will be Doig.

The prediction

The statistics give Stankovic hope: Sampdoria have always beaten Verona in the last five matches between the two teams played at the Marassi. And in the last twenty-six confrontations staged in the Genoese stadium, they have only lost once. You can bet a chip on the Blucerchiati, who are obliged to win to avoid relegation, but it will likely be a very balanced match, in all likelihood dominated by fear of losing. The total goals could be less than three.

The likely Sampdoria v Verona line-up

  • SAMPDORIA (3-4-1-2): Turk; Gunter, Nuytinck, Amione; Leris, Winks, Cuisance, Augello; Djuricic; Gabbiadini, Jesé.
  • VERONA (3-4-2-1): Montipò; Magnani, Dawidowicz, Coppola; Faraoni, Duda, Tameze, Doig; Lazovic, Kallon; Djuric.


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